Simon Wollers

Artículos de Simon Wollers

Periodista inglés, colaborador de Cubadebate.

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US Soldiers Open Fire on Family at Iraqi Checkpoint Killing Parents & Wounding Children

The BBC published a series of photos on Wednesday illustrating the terrible consequences of what British military authorities say is the frequent overreaction of US soldiers at their checkpoints. US Soldiers fired on a family of 7 when their car did not stop Tuesday evening at a checkpoint in the town of Tal Afar. Both parents sitting in the front were killed and two of the five children in the back injured.

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How to Make Money & Influence People

Halliburton Corporation - which has become a household name in the annals of corporate greed and corruption – is once again in the news. After the Bush family had bombed one of the most technologically advanced nations in the Arab world back into the Stone Age, the company formerly run by Vice President Dick Cheney has been at the forefront of no-bid contracts to provide food, fuel and other supplies for US forces in Iraq as well as other services related to Iraq’s devastated oil industry in the so-called “rebuilding” of the country. But Halliburton has also been at the »

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White House Seeks to Delay Presidential Election for Terrorism Reasons

In a procedure that would be completely unprecedented in US history, the Bush administration appears to be edging closer to attempting to put off the US presidential election due to what it consistently says are "terrorist threats." »

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“Generation Kill” : Americas First Generation of Disposable Children

A new book titled “Generation Kill” which explores the lives of US soldiers sent to Iraq, is causing concern to those who support the US role in Iraq in spite of the fact that it is not openly against the war. Subtitling the book “Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain America and the New Faces of American War”, these young combatants are what the author Evan Wright calls “America's first generation of disposable children,” saying that many among the soldiers he was with in Iraq were on “more intimate terms with the culture of video games, reality TV shows and internet porn »

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An article by Irish journalist Gordon Thomas ties in the Vice President and Defense Secretary of the United States to a cover-up of the murder of a CIA scientist. Documents recently discovered in the Gerald Ford Library indicate that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld attempted a cover-up of the murder of Frank Olson who was thrown from a New York hotel window in 1953 after he had threatened to reveal the CIA involvement in post-war Germany experiments.

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February 27, 2004 It beggars the imagination that one of the principle perpetrators of terrorism on the planet should accuse one of its most peaceful neighbors of "state sponsored terrorism". Yet that is what US President George W. Bush did on Thursday night in another bellicose attack on Cuba. In language of psychological denial, Bush accused the Cuban government of sponsoring terrorism adding that Havana "has taken a series of steps to destabilize relations with the United States". Prior to this absurd claim by the US President, the Mexican newspaper La Jornada earlier this week made the »

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El 30 de noviembre de 1961, el presidente John F. Kennedy autorizó una nueva operación encubierta dirigida a asesinar a Fidel Castro y destruir la Revolución cubana: Operación Mangosta. Kennedy designó al General de Brigada la Fuerza Aérea Edward Lansdale - un renombrado operativo de la clandestinidad con experiencia de las guerras en Vietnam y Filipinas en los años 50 – como jefe de operaciones de lo que se conocería como la más grande operación encubierta iniciada por Estados Unidos en los años 60. En el 41 aniversario de la Crisis de Octubre de 1962, la CIA no ha desclasificado »

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La Intifada no es lo único que debemos recordar hoy

A casi tres años del inicio de la Segunda Intifada el 28 de septiembre del 2000, el Primer Ministro israelí, Ariel Sharon, dijo al diario Yediot Ahronot que su país está decidido a “deshacerse” del presidente electo de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina, Yasser Arafat. Agregó que su previo compromiso personal y público de garantizar la seguridad de Arafat ha sido anulado por la decisión de su cabinete de declarar al líder palestino persona non grata y descaradamente declaró que: “No deben olvidar que es muy difícil asegurar que él (Arafat) no será herido si lo capturamos”. Nada de sorprendente del »

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The Intifada is Not All we Should Remember Today…

Almost three years to the day of the beginning of the Second Intifada on September 28, 2000, the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, has told the news daily Yediot Ahronot, that his country is determined to "remove" the elected president of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat.

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La publicación periódica más antigua de Estados Unidos, The New Hampshire Gazette, publicó una "Base de datos de Chickenhawk (halcones cobardes)", que recoge lo que hacían las principales figuras públicas de la actual sociedad estadounidense mientras se desarrollaba la guerra en Vietnam. Todas las personas mencionadas tenían edad militar en los años 60 y 70 y sin excepción, han sido firmes partidarios de las recientes guerras en Afganistán e Irak. El medio de prensa utiliza el término "chickenhawk" (halcón cobarde) para definir a "una figura pública - generalmente de sexo masculino - que defiende, o es partidario ferviente de quienes »

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The New Hampshire Gazette which identifies as the oldest newspaper in the United States, has published a "Chickenhawk Database", which is a list of what the country's top public figures from every sphere of the nation's elite were doing during the Vietnam War. Each of the people mentioned was of draft age in the 1960s and 1970s and have all been staunch supporters of the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The paper defines the term "chickenhawk" as "a public person - generally male - who tends to advocate, or is a fervent supporter of those who advocate, military solutions »

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The Profitable Business of Being a Dissident in Cuba

    A new exposé of the financial benefits of being a so-called "dissident" in Cuba has just been published on the island. The book, written by Cuban journalists Arleen Rodríguez and Lázaro Barredo and entitled El Camaján - which roughly translates as The Sponger - focuses on well-known opposition figure Elizardo Sánchez Santa Cruz, who has created a niche for himself in Cuba as a moderate critic of the government. As such, he is often looked upon for guidance by those - especially in Europe - that seek to avoid the more rabid hatred of the Miami Cuban »
